Venue: Zoom: 893 7969 2612
Date: 28/Aug/2021
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Special Upanyasam by Sri. S. Seetharaman
Topic: Appar Sambandar Sandhippu
Date/Time: Sat, Aug 28th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM BST
Zoom meeting details: Please join
by clicking this link: Special Upanyasam
by using Zoom meeting id: 893 7969 2612 and passcode 1234
Sri. S. Seetharaman is an eminent literary scholar, historical exponent, and noted speaker. He holds an M. Phil in history and is also a published author. Two volumes of his novel "Serar Kottai" have been published and has also written articles in many weekly/monthly magazines notably “Ponniyin selvan Yatthirai”, “Vandiyathevanudan Santhippu” which have been published in Kalki and Dinamalar Deepavali Malar.
He is the managing director of SR Estates, a renowned real estate company which is well known for constructing residential and senior citizen properties in spiritualistic locations. He has also held various positions in Rotary and other charitable organizations and won several awards for his charitable services to the club including the President award. He is also keenly interested in Agama Shastram and is pursuing his doctorate in temple architecture. He also serves on the editorial board of Varalaaru magazine.
He has kindly agreed to give a special discourse for SIS on 'Appar Sambandar Sandippu'. We welcome all our patrons to attend the event. It is going to be an unique and interesting talk that is not to be missed!
Looking forward to seeing all of you.