Venue: London Sri Murugan Temple, 78 Chruch Road, London E12 6AF
Date: 11/Mar/2018
Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

This event on 11th March - is being organized with the blessing of BalaPeriaval..

It is called 'Shradda' anjali for a reason. Our great Acharya, Adi Sankara, defines shradda as 'yayaa vastu upalabyathe', or, that by which one obtains Braha-jnanam. As part of our tribute to HH Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal, we will therefore recite Totakashtakam, Guru Vandanam, Thevaram, Tirupukazh, Vishnu Sahasranamam, etc., and, also perform a Guru Puja. Kindly be present at 1030 am so that we can start the proceedings on time.


Hara Hara Sankara, Jaya Jaya Sankara

Jaya Jaya Sankara, Hara Hara Sankara