South Indian Society proudly announces organizing "Bhakti Navarathri" in London: 5th to 13th July, 2013 Discourses by Smt Desa Mangayarkarasi, anointed disciple of Sri Kripanananda Variar

Shri Kripananda Variar was the foremost Tamil spiritual speaker of 20th century – in particular a devotee of Lord Muruga. Rightly called ‘pravachana samrat’, he dedicated his life to spiritual teaching and philanthropy. Variar Swamy spotted the rare talents of Mangayarkarasi and mentored her to designate her his disciple and successor.

Kirupanandha Variyar
Sri Kirupanandha Variyar
Smt Desa Mangayarkarasi
Smt Desa Mangayarkarasi

Smt Desa Mangayarkarasi was a child prodigy. She won her first Kural recitation contest when she was hardly 4 years of age. Her father rarely missed an opportunity to take her to Variar Swamy’s discourses and when she was 6 years of age, Variar asked her to speak in one of his discourses: something he continued to do so long as he was alive. Her talents soon gained world-wide recognition and she made her overseas lecture trip when she was 13 years of age. Not yet 30 years of age, she has already been a highly popular speaker in India and abroad for almost 20 years. Her speeches are regularly telecast in Vijay TV, Sun TV etc.

She follows Variar’s advice: like water filled in an overhead tank flowing uninterrupted when you open the tap, wisdom and religious material, if stored in the mind, flows like a torrent. She can speak for hours together at a time, without a break to find the right word, without having to look at notes or books. To say she is brilliant is a gross understatement. Her speeches cover a wide range of religious, spiritual topics and she is popular with audience of all ages, the temple going mature ones as well as college students. She is the recipient of several awards, including, ‘Kalaimamani’ the highest award for arts and culture given by the Tamilnadu Government – normally given to artists for their lifetime achievements, Mangayarkarasi received this award in her 20s, the youngest ever to win it. She has travelled extensively in India and abroad – Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Seychelles, Dubai, etc. The present trip will be her third lecture tour to the UK.

South Indian Society is proud to present her lecture tour of the UK.

Events in London – Bhakti Navarathri

6th and 7th July, Harrow, London – ‘Yogic Way of Life’, or, ‘Manitha Vazhvu Maanpurum Vazhi

Part sponsored by the Harrow council, aimed at enabling people of Indian, especially Tamils, to seek their religious and spiritual roots and understand their relevance to contemporary living in UK. Smt Mangayarkarasi will draw from the wealth of Indian, especially, Tamil religious and other ancient literature – Kamba Ramayanam, Mahabaratham, Kanda Puranam, Bhagavat Gita, Thirukkural etc.

Each lecture will be for about 2 hours and will be nothing short of a truly divine experience – Tamil oratory at its pleasing best, ‘sevikkunavu’, but also with noble and profound religious and spiritual contents.

11th and 12th July, East Ham, London – ‘Thalaiezhutthum Mattrum Tamil Kadavul – Sri Murugan’

No one speaks with greater passion or authority on Lord Muruga than Smt Mangayarkarasi – and, from the foremost disciple of Sri Variar, it should be no surprise. For nearly forty years, Sri Variar published a monthly magazine ‘Thiruppukazh Amritam’. Smt Mangayarkarasi will draw from Kanda Puranam and works of Arunagirinathar such as Tiruppukazh and Kandar Alangaram.

As the title of the speeches proclaims, there is no better way to seek divinity than to think about, sing about and hear about Lord Muruga.

13th July, Bhavan, West Kensington, London – ‘Sitthamellam Sivamayame’: Worship of Lord Nataraja on the eve of Ani Thirumanjanam

Ani Thirumanjanam is one of two most important annual festivals in the foremost Siva Temple at Chidambaram – the other one being Arudra Darshan in Margazhi month. This year the festival falls on the night of 13th July – early next morning, as the name Thirumanjanam implies, is the most important abhishekam to Lord Nataraja. On 13th evening, nothing could be better than reflecting on and worshipping Lord Nataraja.

The occasion and location of the event make this the grand Finale of Smt Mangayarkarasi’s Bhakti Navarathri in London. She will draw on Siva puranam and other literature on Lord Siva and reflect on the lives of Manikka Vachagar, Nandanar, Sundarar and other great Saivaite saints who have all prayed in the temple.

As an icing on the cake, Dr Nanda, Director of Bhavan the most erudite Vedic scholar in London, will preside over the function and deliver a brief concluding speech on Lord Siva in English/Tamil. The evening will appropriately finish with a brief puja for the Lord – fairly close to the time of Thirumanjanam at Chidambaram temple itself.

All patrons to please note the dates and events – More details will appear in website and other communications. The Bhakti Navarathri will be a divine experience like none other.