The first SIS monthly satsangam in East London started on a divine note on February 4, 2012 Saturday. The gathering was hosted by Shri N. Chandrasekhar at his residence at Hornchurch and the program commenced at3.00 PM as planned. It was heartening to note the participation of members not minding the distance and the snow warning.

SIS Satsang - Feb 2012
The satsang began with the chanting of Vishnu Sahasranamam followed by Lalitha Sahasranamam. The presence of God could be felt and there was a flow of positive energy all around. Mrs. Padma and Mr. Bala from Kenton lead the Bhajans session with all the assembled members participating enthusiastically. Several namavalis and bhajans were sung by various members in their melodious voice.
The Bhajan session was followed by a discourse by Dr Chandrasekharan of Colchester on the Bhakti Margam and importance of Nama Japam. ‘Bhaktya sulabho bhagavan’ – the Lord who is otherwise difficult to perceive, is easily attained through Bhakti was the main message. In the Kaliyuga, pursuing Gnana margam and other kinds of penance to attain Moksham is difficult. Our great Rishis and sages with their great wisdom realised this and being compassionate towards mankind taught us the Bhakti Margam.

SIS Satsang - Feb 2012
Dr Chandru gave a beautiful anecdote about Narada rishi who questioned Lord Vishnu whether there can be a greater devotee than him in all the 3 worlds. Lord Vishnu immediately sent Sage Narada to the earth to observe a farmer who was also his devotee. This farmer started his day with chanting the Lord’s naamam once and went about his work. At the end of the day, he chanted the naamam one more time and went to sleep. This caused enormous consternation to Sage Narada who went and questioned the Lord how a farmer who chanted his name only twice a day can be a great devotee than himself who devoted his entire life to singing the Glory of the Lord.
Goddess Lakshmi, the mother asked Narada to balance a cup of oil in his head and walk 100 metres away and then return. When the task was completed, the Goddess asked how many times Sage Narada could chant the Lord’s name during this task. Sage Narada had to confess he could not chant even once as he was focused totally on balancing the cup without spilling the oil.

SIS Satsang - Feb 2012
The Almight y smiled and said the farmer, inspite of the push and pull of life and all worries and commitments could manage to chant at least twice with full devotion and so becomes a greater devotee.
Naham vasami vaikunte na yogi hrudaye ravau
Mad bhaktha: yatra gayanti tatra thishtami narada
Bhagavan says “ O Narada, I don’t live in Vaikunam, or in the hearts of the Yogis. I live where my devotees chant my namams with total faith” (divine names)
Dr Chandru demonstrated with this narration that total devotion is most important than pomp and splendour while praying to God. His speech also pointed out that the unconditional love of God and mother, who are one and the same.
The session was completed with the naivedhyam and aarti. The feast to the soul and ears was followed by the feast to the tongue. Mrs. Bhanu Chandru tongue tickling kesari, sundal, ellu saadam and curd rice accompanied by vadaam ensured every member went back home with a warm heart and full stomach. A very hectic week came to an end on a great note and also recharged us for the following week of hectic schedule.